Police Verification to be done for only Registered Rent Agreements

Police Verification to be done for only Registered Rent Agreements

The Registration Departartment has told Police to verify the registered Leave and License Agreement only and not Notarized Agreement. The Notarized documents on stamp paper will not be verified by Police officials to ensure that all deeds are registered and the documentation comes under Government purview.

Many people opt for Notarized Agreements to evade stamp duty. If there is any dispute in case of eviction, then the Notarized Agreements aren’t valid before the court of law.

IGR has already informed authorities not to consider Notarized Leave and License Agreements as Proof of Address and any perosn looking for new Gas connection, new vehicle, driving license etc has to go for Registered Agreement only.

Any attempt to avoid Registrations will invite serious action, which may include seizure of properties and an entry in the revenue records. This is to ensure that the exchequer doesn’t miss out on the stamp duty and registration fee.

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